To build a basic webpage, you need to know HTML. To make your webpage beautiful, you may use CSS. Two good online HTML resources are and
On W3schools, you can also learn CSS at
If you want to make your site even more fancy, you may need to use Javascript.
Javascript is a scripting language which can help you create a variety of effects on a webpage and make your webpage more interactive.
When building your own website, you may use Javascript. If you have Javascript questions,
you can find experst on the web. They may help you to solve your problem. One place to meet
Javascript experts online is a forum at
In addition, is a site where you can find Javascript tutorials.
On W3schools, you can also learn CSS at
If you want to make your site even more fancy, you may need to use Javascript.
Javascript is a scripting language which can help you create a variety of effects on a webpage and make your webpage more interactive.
When building your own website, you may use Javascript. If you have Javascript questions,
you can find experst on the web. They may help you to solve your problem. One place to meet
Javascript experts online is a forum at
In addition, is a site where you can find Javascript tutorials.